How Electrochemical Gas Sensors Detect and Measure Gases

Electrochemical gas sensors are vital, for protecting health and the environment. These small devices can. Measure a range of gases playing a crucial role in various industries and settings. They are used to monitor air quality in cities and ensure safety in workplaces making them essential tools for identifying dangers and maintaining an environment.

The operation of gas sensors involves chemical reactions and electrical processes. This piece will explore the underlying principles of these sensors focusing on the factors that affect their performance. It will also discuss the types of gases detectable by sensors showcasing their versatility and importance in our everyday lives. By grasping how these sensors work we can better understand their significance, in safeguarding individuals and the environment from gas exposure.

Principles of Electrochemical Gas Sensors

Electrochemical gas sensors are now instruments, for identifying and quantifying gases in various settings. These sensors work by transforming chemical amounts into signals offering dependable measurements of gas concentrations. This segment delves into the parts, reactions and functions of elements, in electrochemical gas sensors.

Components of an Electrochemical Gas Sensor

An electrochemical gas sensor consists of several key components that work together to detect and measure gas concentrations. These components include:

  • Gas Permeable Membrane: The thin layer, on top of the sensing electrode regulates the flow of gas molecules to the surface. Serves as a barrier stopping undesired particles from getting into the sensor.
  • Electrodes: The sensor typically has three electrodes:
  • Sensing Electrode (Working Electrode or Anode): Made from noble metals like platinum or gold, this electrode reacts with the target gas molecules.
    • Counter Electrode (Cathode): This electrode completes the electrical circuit.
    • Reference Electrode: Introduced in modern designs, it maintains a stable potential and eliminates interference from side reactions.
  • Electrolyte: Usually an aqueous solution of strong inorganic acids, the electrolyte facilitates the cell reaction and carries ionic charge across the electrodes.
  • Diffusion Barrier: This component regulates the flow of gas molecules into the sensor.
  • Casing: The sensor is enclosed in a casing that contains the electrolyte gel and electrodes.
  • Gas Capillary: Located at the top of the casing, it allows gas to enter the sensor.
  • Filter: Some sensors include a scrubber filter, often made of activated carbon, to remove unwanted gasses.

Electrochemical Reactions in Gas Detection

The detection process in electrochemical gas sensors involves specific chemical reactions that generate electrical signals. Here’s how the process unfolds:

  1. Gas Diffusion: The target gas passes through the permeable membrane and diffusion barrier, reaching the sensing electrode.
  2. Oxidation or Reduction: Depending on the gas type, it undergoes either oxidation (giving up electrons) or reduction (accepting electrons) at the sensing electrode.
  3. Current Generation: The reaction creates a potential difference between the electrodes, causing a current to flow. This current is proportional to the gas concentration.
  4. Signal Processing: The generated current is amplified and processed according to the sensor’s calibration to provide a reading in parts per million (PPM) or percentage volume.

For example, in the case of carbon monoxide (CO) detection:

Sensing Electrode: 2CO + 2H2O → 2CO2 + 4H+ + 4e- Counter Electrode: O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O Overall Cell Reaction: 2CO + O2 → 2CO2

Role of Electrolytes and Electrodes

The electrolyte and electrodes play crucial roles in the functioning of electrochemical gas sensors:

  • Electrolyte:
  • Facilitates the transfer of ionic charge between electrodes
    • Enables the electrochemical reactions to occur
    • Helps maintain sensor sensitivity and stability
  • Sensing Electrode:
  • Catalyzes the reaction with the target gas
    • Generates the primary electrical signal
    • Its material composition determines the sensor’s specificity to certain gasses
  • Counter Electrode:
  • Completes the electrical circuit
    • Balances the reaction occurring at the sensing electrode
  • Reference Electrode:
  • Maintains a stable potential
    • Improves sensor accuracy by eliminating interference from side reactions
    • Allows for biasing of the sensing electrode potential to control sensitivity

The meticulous choice and arrangement of these parts allow electrochemical gas sensors to give readings for a variety of gases, such, as oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and different harmful and flammable gases. Their capacity to identify gas levels low as parts per million proves useful across various sectors from overseeing environmental conditions to ensuring safety, in industrial settings.

Key Parameters for Gas Detection

Electrochemical gas sensors are vital, for detecting and measuring gases in settings. To guarantee dependable measurements one must take into account important factors. These factors impact how gas sensors perform and their efficiency, across a range of applications.

Detection Range and Sensitivity

The performance of gas sensors greatly relies on their detection range and sensitivity. These sensors have the capability to detect gas concentrations low, as parts per million (ppm) which contributes to their level of accuracy across various applications. The sensors sensitivity is crucial in detecting changes in gas concentration.

For instance oxygen sensors are capable of measuring levels ranging from 0 to 100% volume with precision at lower concentrations. This broad measurement range makes them suitable for a range of industries, such, as healthcare facilities, manufacturing plants and environmental monitoring systems.

Adjusting a sensors sensitivity can be achieved by modifying the load resistor. The resistors value can vary from 2k Ohms to 47k Ohms with values enhancing the sensors sensitivity. Nevertheless it is important to consider that while increased sensitivity allows for detecting gas concentrations it might lead to reduced accuracy when measuring concentrations.

Response Time and Accuracy

Detecting gas effectively relies on two factors; response time and accuracy. Response time indicates how swiftly a sensor can identify shifts, in gas levels while accuracy reflects how accurately the sensor measures the real gas concentration.

Factors affecting response time and accuracy include:

  1. Chamber volume: Smaller measuring chambers allow for faster gas exchange, resulting in quicker sensor responses.
  2. Gas flow rate: Higher flow rates can lead to faster responses but may make it more challenging to stabilize other parameters like temperature and humidity.
  3. Temperature: Many semiconductor-based gas sensors operate at higher temperatures, requiring precise temperature control for accurate measurements.
  4. Pressure: The pressure in the measuring chamber can affect sensor readings. Some advanced setups allow for pressure regulation between 1 to 10 bar, expanding the sensor’s operational range.

Regular adjustments are required to ensure precision. As the chemical reaction advances the sensors characteristics may shift, impacting its results. Consistent calibration guarantees that the sensor delivers readings over its lifespan of use.

Cross-Sensitivity and Interference

Detecting cross sensitivity referred to as interference poses an issue, in gas detection. This problem arises when a sensor responds to gases, than its intended target gas, which can result in misleading readings or imprecise measurements.

Key points about cross-sensitivity include:

  1. Unavoidable reaction: It’s challenging to develop an electrode that only responds to the target gas. For instance, a carbon monoxide (CO) sensor may react to other gasses present in the environment.
  2. Mitigation strategies: While cross-sensitivity cannot be entirely eliminated, it can be reduced using filters on the sensors. However, current technology cannot completely filter out all interfering gasses.
  3. Published data: Many gas detection manufacturers provide cross-sensitivity charts for their toxic gas sensors. These charts show how different sensor types respond to various interfering gasses.

Here’s a simplified example of a cross-sensitivity chart:

Interfering GasCO SensorH2S SensorO2 Sensor
Sulfur Dioxide15%

This chart shows the percentage response of each sensor type when exposed to known concentrations of interfering gasses. The “-” indicates no data available.

It’s worth mentioning that cross sensitivity can occasionally lead to results depending on the manufacturer. This happens when the interfering gas triggers a response in the electrode.

Having a grasp of these factors. Such as detection range and sensitivity response time and precision and cross sensitivity and interference. Is vital for effectively choosing and using electrochemical gas sensors. By taking these aspects into account users can ensure precise gas detection, in various industrial and environmental settings.

Types of Gasses Detected by Electrochemical Sensors

Electrochemical gas sensors have become instruments, for identifying and quantifying gases in diverse settings. These sensors function by interacting with the gas and generating a signal corresponding to the gas levels. Their adaptability enables customized approaches for uses, in sectors.

Toxic Gasses: CO, H2S, NO2

Electrochemical sensors are highly effective, in detecting gases playing a role in ensuring safety across different environments. Common toxic gases like carbon monoxide (CO) hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are closely monitored for safety measures.

Carbon monoxide (CO) sensors typically measure within the range of 0 to 500 parts per million (ppm) with a resolution of 1 ppm. These sensors can handle an overload of up to 1,500 ppm. Usually last around two years when used in air. CO sensors find application in breathalyzers, respiratory monitors and portable safety devices.

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is known for its toxicity and foul smell. Electrochemical H2S sensors usually operate within the range of 0 to 100 ppm with a resolution of 0.1 ppm. They can withstand an overload of up to 500 ppm. Have a lifespan as CO sensors.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) sensors typically detect concentrations ranging from 0 to 20 ppm with a resolution of 0.1 ppm. These sensors can endure an overload of up to 50 ppm. NO2 is recognized by its color irritating properties and distinct sharp odor. The lethal concentration for one hour exposure estimated for NO2 stands at, around 174 ppm for half the population exposed.

Combustible Gasses: CH4, H2

Electrochemical sensors are vital, for detecting gases ensuring safety in both residential environments. Methane (CH4) and hydrogen (H2) are commonly monitored using these sensors.

Methane sensors, those utilizing Non Infrared (NDIR) technology can detect CH4 within the range of 0 to 100% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) equivalent to 0-5.0% volume of CH4. Typically these sensors offer a resolution of 1% LEL. Respond within 30 seconds.

Hydrogen sensors fall under the category of gas detectors well. Although specific data on hydrogen was not provided these sensors function based on principles, as combustible gas detectors aiming to identify hydrogen levels to prevent potential explosive incidents.

Oxygen and Other Gasses

Detecting oxygen (O2) is crucial, for sensors serving as an application. Typically O2 sensors cover a range from 0 to 30% volume. Offer a resolution of 0.1% volume. These sensors exhibit a response time of 15 seconds and can operate for up to two years in an air environment.

Electrochemical oxygen sensors are predominantly utilized for measuring oxygen levels in the surrounding air. They function by detecting a reaction within the sensor that generates a signal corresponding to the oxygen concentration. These sensors find applications in battery operated diving gear and portable safety devices owing to their ability to self-generate power.

Furthermore electrochemical sensors can also identify gases such, as;

  1. Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
  2. Nitric oxide (NO)
  3. Hydrogen chloride (HCl)
  4. Chlorine (Cl2)
  5. Ethylene (C2H4)
  6. Formaldehyde (CH2O)
  7. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
  8. Ammonia (NH3)

Electrochemical sensors have a range of benefits, such, as power needs, enhanced sensitivity and a decreased susceptibility to interference from gases. They are often seen as the cost sensor option and are widely used across different fields. However they do encounter challenges like being influenced by temperature and having a lifespan of 1 to 3 years.

Despite these hurdles electrochemical sensors remain essential in industries like surveillance identifying hazardous gases and harmful vapors monitoring oxygen levels in healthcare settings and ensuring food quality. Their capability to detect gas levels at minute concentrations down to parts per million is crucial for applications, from maintaining safety to monitoring air quality in cities.


Electrochemical gas sensors play a role, across industries ensuring workplace safety and monitoring urban air quality. Their capability to identify a range of gases from ones to essential ones like oxygen is vital for protecting human health and the environment. These sensors work through chemical reactions and electrical processes to provide measurements at the parts per million levels.

In summary the effectiveness of gas sensors relies on factors such as detection range, sensitivity, response time and accuracy. Despite facing challenges like cross limited lifespan these sensors remain popular due to their power requirements and reduced sensitivity to interference from other gases. With advancing technology we anticipate enhancements in electrochemical gas sensor capabilities that will bolster their role in safeguarding individuals and the environment, against gas exposures.


1. How do electrochemical gas sensors function?
Electrochemical gas sensors operate by interacting with a target gas and producing an electrical signal that is directly proportional to the concentration of the gas. These sensors are composed of two electrodes: a working electrode and a counter electrode. They function by allowing charged molecules to move through a thin electrolyte layer.

2. What is the mechanism of an electrochemical detector?
An electrochemical detector functions by observing changes in an electrical signal that result from electrochemical reactions occurring on an electrode’s surface. In microfluidic devices, the most prevalent methods for electrochemical detection include conductivity, aerometry, and potentiometric.

3. How does an electronic gas detector operate?
Electronic gas detectors work by using a sensor to measure the concentration of specific gasses in the air. This sensor acts as a reference point and scale, generating a measurable electric current when a chemical reaction triggered by a specific gas occurs.

4. What is involved in the process of electrochemical sensing?
Electrochemical sensing involves detecting changes in output-electrical signals that are generated by chemical reactions between electrodes with immobilized recognition elements and target analysts. This process allows for both qualitative and quantitative assessments of target molecules.

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